• Baby Butter

    Baby Butter

    Ugx40,000 (Fixed)

    Type : Sell



    Made with 100% organic and healing ingredients, this soothing & nourishing Baby Butter is effective in maintaining delicate baby skins.

    📌 Eliminates diaper and skin rashes

    📌 Prevents skin irritation and inflammation 

    📌Clears dry and itchy patches on the skin 

    📌Eliminates cradle cap on baby scalp

    📌Forms a protective barrier to lock in moisture. 

    📌Makes baby skins glow.

    *HOW TO USE*

    ⭐ Smear the butter onto clean skin as often as needed, from head to toe.

    PRICE: Ugx 40,000

    QTY: 200g



    *Vintage Herbals* | Tel: +256 782 312 190, +256 751 646 179, +256 772 644 349 |

    *Address:* Plot 2A/2B Colville Street, Grand Imperial Hotel Shopping Mall, Shop 39 | Kampala-Uganda | Web: www.bigdeals.info |


    _*Skin Care, Hair Care, Weight Management, Nutrition & Sexual Vitality*_

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