• Carrot Oil

    Carrot Oil

    Ugx50,000 (Fixed)

    Type : Sell




    1. Makes dry and pale skin start glowing.

    2. Eliminates wrinkles and fine lines.

    3. Carrot oil is an incredible anti-aging oil.

    4. Eliminates white heads and facial rashes ( luyinja).

    5. Soothes Sun Damaged Skin.

    6. Brightens tired dull skin without bleaching.

    7. Balances Skin colour.

    8. Tightens sagging skin.

    9. Closes large skin pores.

    10. Fades dark spots and pimple scars.

    11. Eliminates stretchmarks.

    12. Makes skin, hands, elbows and knees smooth.

    13. Eliminates dry skin rash.

    NOTE: Best for Normal and dry skin types.

    PRICE: Ugx 50,000
    QTY: 50ml


    *Vintage Herbals* | Tel: +256 782 312 190, +256 751 646 179, +256 772 644 349 |

    *Address:* Plot 2A/2B Colville Street, Grand Imperial Hotel Shopping Mall, Shop 39 | Kampala-Uganda | Web: www.bigdeals.info |
    _*Skin Care, Hair Care, Weight Management, Nutrition & Sexual Vitality*_

    Mention BigDeals when calling seller to get a good deal


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