• Dandellion Powder

    Dandellion Powder

    Ugx35,000 (Fixed)

    Type : Sell



    📌Reduces Water Weight

    📌Prevents Urinary Tract Infections

    📌Contributes to belly fat burning.

    📌Soothes Upset stomach

    📌Cleans the Liver and improves liver functioning.

    📌Has the ability to increase the flow of bile.

    📌Breaks down fats in the body hence causing weight loss.

    📌Relieves stomach bloating, acid reflux and relieves constipation.

    📌 Relieves Tonsillitis and sore throat

    📌Eliminates excessive Intestinal gas (flatulence).

    📌Dandelion contributes to hormonal balance and improves ovarian health and fertility for both men and women.


    ⭐ Some people may have an allergic reaction to dandelion.

    ⭐Dandelion  may interact with certain medications, including diuretics, lithium, and Cipro. If you are taking any prescription medications, consult your doctor before drinking dandelion tea.

    Price: Ugx 35,000



    *Vintage Herbals* | Tel: +256 782 312 190, +256 751 646 179, +256 772 644 349 |

    *Address:* Plot 2A/2B Colville Street, Grand Imperial Hotel Shopping Mall, Shop 39 | Kampala-Uganda | Web: www.bigdeals.info |


    _*Skin Care, Hair Care, Weight Management, Nutrition & Sexual Vitality*_

    Mention BigDeals when calling seller to get a good deal


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