• Food Boost Appetite Stimulant

    Food Boost Appetite Stimulant

    Ugx35,000 (Fixed)

    Type : Sell


    *FOOD BOOST – Organic Appetite Stimulant*


    1. Stimulates appetite for food.

    2. Enhances healthy weight gain.

    3. Strengthens immunity.

    4. Increases energy levels.

    5. Reverses malnutrition. 

    6. Relieves extreme fatigue that was originally causing you low appetite.


    Simply add the Food Boost herbal powder to either tea or soup or porridge or juice and take once or twice a day for best results.

    ✓Suitable for both children and adults.

    *PRICE:* Ugx 35,000

    *QTY:* 100g


    *Vintage Herbals* | Tel: +256 782 312 190, +256 751 646 179, +256 772 644 349 | 

    *Address:* Plot 2A/2B Colville Street, Grand Imperial Hotel Shopping Mall, Shop 39 | Kampala-Uganda | Web: www.bigdeals.info |


    _*Skin Care, Hair Care, Weight Management, Nutrition & Sexual Vitality*_

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